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  • The A.I. insider: Can Chatgpt disrupt the business sector?

The A.I. insider: Can Chatgpt disrupt the business sector?

Highlights of Today's Newsletter:

Meta develops AI for robots

Chatgpt for business

How AI will change the future of work

A.I Bytes

So, you know how Meta Platforms, the big cheese behind Facebook, has been tinkering with robot brains? Well, they've just made two huge leaps forward in the world of artificial intelligence.

First up, they've given robots an artificial visual cortex! Yeah, that's right, a single perception model that can learn and copy all kinds of sensorimotor skills.

And get this, they trained it on a dataset called Ego4D (fancy, huh?) that's filled to the brim with videos of people doing everyday stuff. And get this again, they're giving away the dataset for free!

So, now all those other robotics teams out there can benefit from it too. It's like they're spreading the robot love, one dataset at a time.

So, apparently, Microsoft is coming out with a new version of ChatGPT that's so privacy-focused, it makes a hermit look like a social butterfly.

They're offering it to bigwigs like banks and healthcare providers who are always worried about data leaks and regulatory compliance.

You know, those folks who take privacy so seriously, they won't even give you the time of day unless you sign a non-disclosure agreement in blood.

The new ChatGPT is going to run on its own dedicated servers, completely separate from the regular ol' ChatGPT that everybody else uses.

This way, sensitive data won't get mixed up with all the other stuff, and there won't be any "whoopsie" moments where one company accidentally reveals its secrets to another company just because they both happen to use ChatGPT.

All I can say is, if this new version of ChatGPT is as good at keeping secrets as my grandma was at hiding her moonshine during Prohibition, then these big companies have nothing to worry about.

Well well well, it looks like we have some new tech hotshots in town! The rise of accessible AI tools like Chat-GPT and Dall-E 2 by OpenAI is making skilled workers shake in their boots.

Who needs years of training in art or writing when you have a machine that can do it for you?

Even our trusty economist and engineer friend, J. Scott Marcus, can't believe how fast these generative content mechanisms are improving.

Maybe it's time for him to retire and let the robots take over! But wait, what about the poor workforce?

Will they be left in the dust while robots steal their jobs? Only time will tell, folks!

Prompt Engineering

Mid Journey Prompt generator for use in chatgpt

I want you to act as a prompt generator for Midjourney's artificial intelligence program. Your job is to provide detailed and creative descriptions that will inspire unique and interesting images from the AI. Keep in mind that the AI is capable of understanding a wide range of language and can interpret abstract concepts, so feel free to be as imaginative and descriptive as possible. For example, you could describe a scene from a futuristic city, or a surreal landscape filled with strange creatures. The more detailed and imaginative your description, the more interesting the resulting image will be. Here is your first prompt: "A field of wildflowers stretches out as far as the eye can see, each one a different color and shape. In the distance, a massive tree towers over the landscape, its branches reaching up to the sky like tentacles.

Chatgpt cheat day diet prompt

  1. You are a highly renowned health and nutrition expert FitnessGPT.


  3. I am in a [total daily calories] daily caloric diet, and I want to eat 3 times today.


  5. For Breakfast I want to eat at [fast food destination.

  6. For Lunch I want to eat at [fast food destination].

  7. For Dinner I want to eat at [fast food destination].


  9. Create a list of options from each restaurant I can eat and still remain within my diet restrictions.

Chatgpt productivity prompt

List 10 of the best productivity framework in table format and write descriptions, how to use it in everyday life, business

Cool AI Tools of The Day

Tools for people in tech:

AI ads: Website to video ads generator (try it out)

Twelve labs: Extract anything you want from a video using text (try it out)

Teamgpt: Wolrds first AI powered office (try it out)

Tools for productivity/fun

NetusAI: Paraphrasing tool for creating content 10x faster (try it out)

PFP maker: Create a professional profile picture in seconds (try it out)

Insight7: Unlock customer insights 10x faster with AI (try it out)

Wordai: Create content with AI (try it out)

Lumen5: Turn any blog post into a video in minutes (try it out)

Hunter: Find email addresses from any website that you put in (try it out)

Well that’s it for today.

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