The A.I. insider: Microsoft's new A.I.

Highlights of Today's Newsletter:

  • Midjourney V5.1 is here

  • Google creates a new type of hearing aid using AI

  • Microsoft’s new AI

A.I Bytes

Oh boy, the world of AI is getting more crowded than a subway during rush hour. It seems like every day there's a new AI tool buzzing around like a bee. Even folks who used to think AI was a bunch of hocus-pocus are now hopping on the bandwagon and using it to churn out content faster than a toddler with a crayon.

But let's get real, the real talk of the town is AI-generated art. And when it comes to that, you can't miss mentioning Midjourney. It's like the Beyoncé of AI art - everyone knows and loves it.

Well, well, well! Looks like Google Australia is getting in on the action to help out the folks who can't hear so well. They've teamed up with some top-notch hearing leaders in Australia, including Cochlear, Macquarie University Hearing, National Acoustic Laboratories (NAL), NextSense, and The Shepherd Centre.

Together, they're going to use their smarts to explore the possibilities of AI and machine learning in hearing solutions. I guess that means we can expect some next-level hearing aids that'll make us all feel like cyborgs.

But in all seriousness, this is a pretty awesome initiative. With over 1.5 billion people worldwide suffering from hearing loss, it's great to see Google using their powers for good. They're hoping to make hearing health care more individualized and overcome some of the current obstacles. So let's all raise a glass (or a cochlear implant) to the future of better hearing!

Hold on to your seats, folks! Microsoft is upping its game with Copilot, an AI-powered tool that's going to revolutionize SharePoint. Forget all your old document formatting woes, Copilot is here to save the day!

With Copilot in SharePoint, you can finally say goodbye to bland visuals and poorly worded text passages. Copilot will help you take your work to the next level with its top-notch design visuals and advanced language capabilities. It's like having a personal assistant who understands your brand's tone and audience better than you do.

But wait, there's more! Copilot is not just some run-of-the-mill AI tool. It combines the power of large language models with data from Microsoft Graph to create a starter site that aligns with your business's brand. It's like having your own branding expert on call!

And that's not all, folks. With the new SharePoint start page templates, you can connect your intranet to your business's communications needs, covering everything from newsletters to trip reports. It's like having a swiss army knife for your business's communication needs.

So, what are you waiting for? Get ready to boost your productivity and take your SharePoint game to the next level with Copilot!

Prompt Engineering

Smart domain name generator prompt:

I want you to act as a smart domain name generator. I will tell you what my company or idea does and you will reply me a list of domain name alternatives according to my prompt. You will only reply the domain list, and nothing else. Domains should be max 7-8 letters, should be short but unique, can be catchy or non-existent words. Do not write explanations. Reply "OK" to confirm.

Investment manager prompt:

Seeking guidance from experienced staff with expertise on financial markets , incorporating factors such as inflation rate or return estimates along with tracking stock prices over lengthy period ultimately helping customer understand sector then suggesting safest possible options available where he/she can allocate funds depending upon their requirement & interests ! Starting query - “What currently is best way to invest money short term prospective?”

Cool AI Tools of The Day

Writing Assistants:

CopyAI: Write higher converting posts (try it out)

Scalenut: All in one seo content marketing app (try it out)

Wordspinner: Free paraphrasing and rewriter tool (try it out)

Subtxt: Storytelling AI writer (try it out)

DigitalfirstAI: Create your entire marketing plan using AI (try it out)


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